A minimalist, dungeon crawler, strategy game.
Built from scratch for the LowRezJam 2024
APel & PGad of Amy Park Studio
Music: Instrumetal
W, A, S, D is all that's needed.
First, all swords are used up, if there aren't any, you lose health.
Zero health = dead

Swords damage the enemies first.
Helmets and shields are used up first, then swords and then health
To our team ;)
Even the font is created by PGad!
Theme: (None)
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Loved the puzzle take on combat. Had to try and think ahead to break through each dungeon floor. Good start would be interesting to add different room configurations that are not confined tot he 64x64 space.
Thanks for playing. You've a valid point.
64x64 px was the game jam restriction.
This is a neat take on roguelikes!! Really enjoyed this take. On my first play, I got stuck on Floor 1 because a door never spawned, and on Floor 2 I got stuck also because a door never spawned. Regardless, the vision was here and well-executed <3 Great job!
I couldn’t play this through as of now, but I’m really digging the base idea, so I’ll return for sure.
The idea of combining a sliding puzzle with randomly appearing (or at least it feels like that) cards from a FIXED deck per level is a neat, while keeping a certain rpg/dungeoncrawl feel to the game.
The music is too loud for me on my standard PC settings, so I’d look into that later. Graphically I dig what you have here, overall a cool job! Well done!